Affiliated Organisations
There are many organisations across the globe doing amazing work. Here we have listed as many of them as we can. We hope it is useful. If you would like to add a link please email
There are many organisations across the globe doing amazing work. Here we have listed as many of them as we can. We hope it is useful. If you would like to add a link please email
The Anthroposophic Medical Section is part of The School of Spiritual Science, which is placed at the Goetheanum, Dornach, Switzerland and is focused on research and a platform for sharing information and conference organisation. Further information can be found by clicking on the Anthroposophic Medicine UK website link listed here
Visit WebsiteThe Anthroposophical Society is an entirely open, public and worldwide organisation with headquarters in Switzerland. It aims to develop the spiritual science initiated by Rudolf Steiner, and to show that it can be valuable and healing for both individual and humanity at large. Individual freedom in the spiritual sense lies at the heart of this movement
Visit WebsiteA parents and friends' organisation supporting the ethos and community life of Camphill.
Visit WebsiteUmbrella organisation for the many Camphill communities in England and Wales
Visit WebsiteCamphill Communities of Ireland is part of an international charitable trust working with people with intellectual disabilities and other kinds of special needs
Visit WebsiteCamphill Communities in Northern Ireland provide opportunities for adults and children with different abilities, including those with learning and physical disabilities, to live and work, contributing equally, in supportive, respectful and inclusive environments
Visit WebsiteUmbrella organisation for the many Camphill communities in Scotland
Visit WebsiteEuropean legal body representing people with special needs and protecting their interests at European level.
Visit WebsiteEASPD (European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities) represents social service provider organisations across Europe and across disability
Visit WebsiteMaking a civic contribution towards improving the quality of life and cultural diversity in Europe
Visit WebsiteAnthroposophical adult care organisation in and around Edinburgh
Visit WebsiteGarvald West Linton offers adults with learning disabilities a range of residential care and creative day opportunities. We also provide workshop places for non-resident day service users and in some cases skills accreditation
Visit WebsiteThe aim of the Society, the School of Spiritual Science and the Goetheanum is to make a spiritually based contribution to the life of humanity in the world of today and tomorrow.
Visit WebsiteOrganisation creating and supporting worldwide congresses with adults with special needs.
Visit WebsiteWorldwide movement of anthroposophic initiatives in the field of disabilities, education, social pedagogy and social work
Visit WebsiteThe goal of the Karl König Institute is the material, financial and idealistic support of the Karl König Archive, and all the social, artistic and cultural initiatives that emerge from or are connected to the various publications. Particular objectives include building competent working groups to support the editions of Karl König’s legacy, following up and deepening research directions, and promoting research by spoken and written word and through activities.
Visit WebsiteThe Medical Section is responsible for the International Coordination of Anthroposophic Medicine, Therapy and Social Care, coordinating research, conferences, networking and collaboration
Visit WebsiteAn independent adult residential care community for people with learning disabilities, offering a homely, social setting and specialising in a broad range of supported activities
Visit WebsiteAn organisation providing training, work, therapy and housing, including an inclusive theatre company
Visit WebsitePetrarca is a forum for dialogue and research in sustainability and development of European cultural landscapes
Visit WebsiteWorldwide educational, cultural and research organisation for children, youngsters and adults with complex needs
Visit WebsiteSozialtherapeutische Arbeitsgruppe (Social Therapy Working Group): A focus group of the Anthroposophic Council for Inclusive Social Development
Visit WebsiteThe aim of ZonMw is to promote quality and innovation of health research in order to make health care better and to keep it affordable
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